Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog 9

As I assess my self as a writer I gain lots of insight about my way of thinking and expressing topics. I am an aware of what’s required and I could probably teach someone to write a better essay than I can. I find good topics, but my theses and introductions are to ambigues, which makes it harder for me to expound on the topic. I am a deep thinker who’s good at making relevant arguments. I think logically about what my opponents would say. Application of my knowledge is my biggest problem. I procrastinate and have poor time management skills which affect the consistency and quality of my essays. I think psychologically about this issue and how the essays reflect my life and quality of it. I will apply this to further essay writings and all aspects of life to my best ability and I already see good results. I am very understanding of topics and breaking things down. I learned the difference between high school and GED essays compared to college essays. I thought the thesis had to be comprised of my topic sentences. And it all had to be in the introduction paragraphs. I need to pick more clearly in concise tittles which would make it easier to expound on. I didn’t understand the power and importance of commas and periods. Masterful use of these will make an essay exciting to read or flow smoothly or however else I want the result to be. I need to sharpen up on my, macanics. Need to go back to the basics and renew the basics definitions of nouns, verbs etc. It would be helpful and it’s embarrassing not remembering the definitions of them. I found the blogs very helpful. It allowed me to analyze my writings the text and movies. I have a good memory when it comes to the above. I also take good relevant notes. I developed better observation techniques. I am more aware of he benefits of free writing and brainstorming. MLA citing has helped me become a more credible writer whose knows the importance of proof. I have good variety of words when im writing about a topic. Everything I learned or was reminded of in this class will help me a lot. I don’t stay focused on topic sentences as much as I used to, and I realize that now. I need to improve my computer skills because I have to rush when typing; this causes me to work below my standards. Having random students critique first drafts wasn’t to helpful tome , not just because I didn’t have them. In my opinion there was about 5 students that I think where qualified to help me. My judgments come mainly from class participation. This class helped people in life more than most could imagine. The text where eye openers and realistic. A blind student could escape mental slavery if he carefully read and observed the texts. History, science, math, philosophy and more was in this curriculum. Also business standards and enough occasional lenience. This class followed the syllabus more than any other class I had. I was supposed to be a student. Anything less is clearly my fault and justified. I hope other students realize this. It is helpful. I also learned to grade my own papers to a certain extent. I enjoyed this class and look forward to eng 102.

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