Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog 8

Blog 8: Thematic Connections

For this blog, discuss all the possible thematic connections between movies and texts we have read. You can do this either as brainstorming, freewriting, or any other technique you want. After spending about 10 minutes coming up with as many connections as possible, choose one and write a 300-word entry explaining why you chose that as the most important thematic connection and how your thinking on this concept/theme has evolved over the semester.
Although all of the movies and texts where good comparisons, and all of them could have went with each other. They where mix and machable. The movie Minority report and the text ,Free Will And Determination In The World of Mionority Report had the most indept thematic connections compared to the rest of the texts. The narrative elaborated on the topics and themes in the movie. It also explained philosophical theores presented in the movie, and separate facts and explanations with evidence. The issue of in the book where illustrated un the movie. The narrative explained the movie and the concepts of free willl and determinism that was in the movie. It was also the most entertaining to me. I expanded my perceptions of several issues that wasn’t at the forefront of my mind anymore.

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