Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog 7

Journals and blogs are similar by design, but the audience expands when you blog and this brings about different elements in ideas and writing. When I write in journals, I record more of my personal experience, Ideas and Ideals. The fact that it is restricted to the professor reading it gives me more comfort. This enables me to expand on my thinking and not be to politically correct, because I know most people with a high degree of knowledge and understanding of writing won’t take things out of context. I have written my best essays in journals.  The problem was I wish others could read these essays and I felt they went to waste.  This is what I like most about blogs. I can share them with teachers, classmates, family and the world. I can also limit who sees them. The feedback I can and have received has benefited me in a positive way thus far. Being on the computer makes it easier for me to do research on my blog easier and efficiently, When typing I can see how many words I have and use spellcheck, which makes things easier. I don’t type fast, so when I’m on the clock it is a disadvantage to me. Bogs are easier to access and edit. I don’t fully express the topic because I’m worrying about time. The fact that anything on the computer isn’t completely safe causes me to be more contouse of what I type. Limitations decrease the unique quality of my ideas. In some cases it helps because I am forced to use different strategies methods of attract which I wouldn’t of thought of in a journal. This strengthens my argument most of the time. I feel a greater responsibility to perform beyond my expectations and compete with other righters. It is also entertaining too A degree. People don’t comment on my blogs frequently so I don’t get too much feedback, but the potential makes me step my game up unless I’m rushing, which I will stop doing.Blogiong has made me A better writer overall . Blogging takes me out of my comfort zone and alloys me to explore more dynamics of writing. There has to be a balance between Journal writing and blogging to advance a good writer to his greatest capabilities. I will use both exercises to help me achieve greatness. We are in the computer age so I think blogging is an essential form of communication that I want to be good at.

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