Tuesday, October 18, 2011


After analyzing the Matrix and Oedipus the King I observed similar concepts and themes. They both 
where about the ignorance of human beings in a certain time periods. The matrix was in the future and Oedipus the King was in the past. In the matrix. They both had people who where enlightened and unenlightened and showed the results of it. In the Matrix the people where ignorant to the fact that they where being used by machines as slaves and power sources. In the movie cipher was eating A stack that he knew wasn’t real. He said that ignorance is bliss and that he would rather go back to the matrix and forgets the truth, rather than live the painful inconvenient truth. I in feared that most of the people in the Matrix would have done the same thing.  In Oedipus the King, Jokester said listen to me, I beg you. Don’t do this in line 1270. She dint want Oedipus to search further for the truth because it would dishonor her and reveal shameful secrets of After analyzing the Matrix and Oedipus the King I observed similar concepts and themes. They both there family. Neo and Oedipus where both truth seekers who had serious questions about life as they knew it. News was what the Matrix...was Oedipus question was about his family. They both had profits and oracles who predicted their futures. Neo believed the oracle and it helped him become the one. Even though the oracle told him he wasn’t. Oedipus didn’t believe the profits because they told him what he didn’t want to hear. It caused him to be very angry and still fulfill there prophecies the more he tried to run away from them. Neo was happy to accept the truth. Oedipus continues questioned it. In line 1160 Oedipus was ready to kill or exile himself at the thought of the prophecies being true. Oedipus was happy in the beginning as he assumed he was rightfully king in on top of the world. They both did research to find the truth. Neo committed his life to it, by taking the red pill and joining amorphous. Oedipus keep asking the gods, profits, his son and the old sheared to find answers to his question. The knowledge of the truth provided a harsh reality in both texts. The difference was what the main characters did with it. They both taught to search for the truth at all cost. Also the hard dicsion it would be to choose the truth over a lie. The message was to choose the truth at all cost.

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